Read on and learn!Registering to pay-to-click (PTC) websites is like doing your own business. So before you begin, you should first understand every word or concept in this business.
But don't be overwhelmed by the words. Look it up here! This is your online pay-to-click site dictionary.
If you want to know a word that isn't here, simply request it by leaving me a comment.* * * * *
Alertpay -
AlertPay is similar to Paypal account, it is an online money account used to purchase, receive and send money worldwide. Make your own AlertPay account
Banner - Rectangular posters used to promote PTC site. Each account or user has a unique banner that can be posted on websites and blogs to promote the site and get referrals. You can get the html code for banners from your "My Account" or "My Profile" page. Below are examples of banners:

Buck(s) - (also bux) slang for US dollar. 1 buck = $1.00
Earnings - Cash in US $ you earn from surfing ads or websites on PTC sites and from your referral's ad viewing. Rates range from $0.001 to $0.01 per ad view.
Cashout - Withdraw earnings from a PTC site. Every PTC site has
different minimum cashout amount, so check first if you have reach that amount. Before cashing out your earnings, make sure that you've entered your correct Paypal or AlertPay email address to properly receive your money.
Hits - page views or number of times your website was viewed.
IP address - (short for
Internet Protocol (
address ) is the unique ID of every computer connected to the internet. All PTC sites do not allow multiple accounts per computer and they can trace if two or more accounts are using the same computer via the IP address. If you violate this rule, your account will be banned and you will lose your cash. Again,
do not share computers when surfing ads or you will lose you account and money. Don't think you're Robinhood, pal.
Password - Your secret pass to every online account. Enter your password with your username to login to your PTC account. Some PTC sites allow two passwords per account for higher security. For your sake and you wallet's, do not share your password with anyone. It's like sharing your ATM PIN and giving your money away.
Pay-to-click site - (also known as PTC) website that offers cash incentive in exchange for viewing or surfing websites or advertisements. Samples of PTC sites are
Valuebux, and
Paypal - A
Paypal account is like an online credit card that can be used to purchase, receive and send money worldwide. Before registering on a PTC site, make your own Paypal account by clicking
Register - Sign up on a PTC site to start earning. Most PTC sites ask for a
password, an
email address (ex.: where to forward updates and
online money account (ex.: Paypal or Alertpay) to forward the payment (in US $). Remember, only registered users earn by surfing ads.
Shared computer - A big no-no in pay-to-click viewing. Each PTC account must use a unique or different computer or else, your account will be banned. So don't surf ads when using a public computer (in libraries or internet shops or cafes).
Surfing - Act of browsing sites on the internet. In PTC context, surfing means viewing a website and earns a registered user $0.001 to $0.01 per website. When logged in on a PTC site, surfing ads are also written as "browse ads" or "view ads." After viewing the ad, some PTC sites such as
Clickasia require clicking or choosing the right number or answer above the ad view, just to make sure you're a human doing manual surfing and not a cheating bot.
IMPORTANT: Open just ONE (1) ad at a time or your ad viewing will not be credited to your account; and wait for the timer to finish before closing the window.
Traffic - Total number of hits or page views. A website's traffic summarizes the total page view and the unique page views daily, weekly and monthly. Increasing traffic will up your website's rank in Google and Yahoo Search and increase your ad sponsor earnings, such as Google Ad Sense and
Nuffnang Ads (top advertising community for Asia-Pacific bloggers).
Traffic Exchange - Literally means exchanging website traffic: visit our ads this much and we'll give your website the same hits! For example, if you logged in on a traffic exhange website like, and viewed 25 ads in a given day, the traffic exchange website will also give your website 25 hits. Different traffic exchange sites have different traffic ratios. has 1:1
(1 ad view: 1 hit to your website) traffic exchange ratio while, and viewed has 5:4 ratio.
Traffic exchange is useful in increasing traffic or page views of your site.
User account - Your name used in registering on a PTC site (Ex: baneneng, godollar, etc.). You must input this along with your password every time you access your PTC account(s).
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